Friday, March 30, 2012

Critical #1

Thomas Hardy's Hap expresses that Hardy wishes to know the meaning behind his suffering. He believes that god (the lowercase "g" could indicate noncatholic views), were to explain to him that Hady's suffering was for his own amusement, he would feel better about it. Hardy believes that suffering is made worse by the fact that good things happen in between suffering. He also believes that happiness is punished because it is followed by sorrow. He feels like "god" does this to make the suffering worse. Hardy also belives that people accept their suffering because it is sometimes eased by the fact that their might be a higher being controling it. It is interesting that Hardy wishes for a god to have control over his suffering because he believes that humans are in charge of their own destiny. Hardy would rather have a mean god, or a pattern to his suffering than continue on the way life is.

In a way Hardy is saying that unhappiness is bliss. He is saying that it is better to be sad then to be happy because happiness will end. Additionally Hardy notes that "Time" gives both gladness and saddness. At the end of the poem Hardy basically is saying that things happen happen sometimes, but he is not comforted by it.

Poem 1

The Original Reality TV
The time is 7:30 as I sit atop the balcony rail

Watching the sun sink beneath the trees.

I have just started cleaning my bushy tail

When I hear the jingle of the keys.

I turn and direct my attention through the sliding, glass door

As the two girls enter the room before me.

It’s time to start my favorite show, or

As I like to call, it my own personal reality TV.

These girls are the shining stars

And their living room is center stage.

I listen while they discuss what happened at the bars

And chat about a movie with Nicholas Cage.

They talk about playing Scrabble

And The Biggest Loser winner.

I listen to their babble

As I eat my acorn dinner.

I watch as they carry on cooking

And listen as they continue to chat.

Abbie thinks some boy is good-looking

And Ellen really wants a cat.

I giggle as the conversation takes a turn

To the nail polish stain on the floor.

They’re just discussing the carpet’s burn

When they look to the door.

I see the girls seeing me and

To her roommate Ellen calls,

“Abbie, come and

Look! It our squirrel-friend Paul!”

I turn to run and leave

But stop and give my tail a curl.

I simply can’t believe

They don’t notice I’m a girl.